
Daw Thandar Kyaw

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About me

I’m Thandar Kyaw. I’m an enthusiastic instructor in my field. I got my Bachelor’s Degree in 2009 from Taunggyi University and my Master Degree in 2011 from Mandalay. I worked as a primary teacher for about six years and in 2017, I started working at the University of Computer Studies, Mandalay. I started platform teaching in 2019. Throughout my career, I have collaborated with various e-learning platforms, continuously adapting my teaching style to cater to evolving technological trends and student needs. As a lifelong learner myself, I keep abreast advancements, ensuring my courses remain cutting-edge and relevant. I usually spent my free time on reading many kinds of books, writing Contents about my class, these days, using AI tools as far as I know.

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